Korina Blazeby
"Quiet in Noise"
Showing March 2 – 22, 2024
Art & Lit gallery absolutely loves our local artists, and they don’t get much more local than Korina Blazeby, just up the road from us.
Korina is a native Californian from the Central Valley farm town of Escalon. She spent much of her life in the Modesto area where she raised her children. She has lived in Sacramento, Oakland, London, San Francisco and now lives in Berkeley with her partner, Kurt Ribak, and their two cats.
Her current black and white photography show, “Quiet in Noise,” got its name because all these photos, while they seem rather barren, were taken with hundreds of people within feet of the image.
Several of her black and white photos have previously appeared in the online magazine New Feathers Anthology https://www.newfeathersanthology.com/#/
You can see more of Korina’s work on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kblazeby1/