"Pet Friends of Art & Lit" The movie
Showing June 3 - 23, 2023
Approximate show times: Daily 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
It’s movie time again at Art & Lit!
For all dog walkers, cat wranglers, bird owners, and all kinds of pet lovers, we present our newest amateur movie at the gallery, “Pet Friends of Art & Lit.” This 19-minute silent movie offers our pets performing tricks, showing off, being bored, rolling, sniffing, wandering, barking, meowing, quacking, and more!
In order of appearance in the movie:
Midge & Moe the Dogs; The Ducks: Albertine, Audie, Nelson, Pansy, Ursula, & Billie; Clover the Dog; Gromit the Dog; Kayla the Dog; Calcifer the Dog; Simba the Dog; Charlie the Dog; Cookie the Dog; Ruby the Cat; Cosmo & Lulu the Dogs; Lalla the Dog; Lilybelle the Dog; Minnow the Dog; Nadia the Cat; Pepper the Dog; Pippa the Dog; Bonita & Lex the Dogs; Dickens, Chiquita, & Junji the Dogs; Bella & Tootsie the Dogs.
Thanks to all our Art & Lit pet friends and their people!
If you’d like to see the video, either come visit the gallery during show times, or email me at bayviewartlit@gmail.com and I’ll send you the link to see it.